Latest Articles and Travel info herewith.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Windows 8 Antivirus from Microsoft

Windows 8 Antivirus from Microsoft

You would have seen previous to this article related to Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft, now Windows 8 OS officially will be launched in 2012 per Microsoft, Windows 8 has developed in-built antivirus to protect its OS from various viruses such as spyware, malware, phishing and other related issues.

Windows 8 Antivirus from Microsoft will be one more extra feature and little similar to Windows 7, however, there are various features available in Windows 8, some of the feature have been shown in the Windows 8 developer's preview.

For more detail on Windows 8 feature, articles, review, gadgets and other its related feature, please proceed with the above link or below URL.

Windows 8 Operating System from Microsoft

Windows 8 Operating System will be released from Microsoft in 2012

As we heard good feedback about Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System, so far so good, now Microsoft has proposed to launch Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System in 2012, Microsoft has released developer’s preview of Windows 8 Operating System, its feedback also good, we can see few reviews online about Windows 8 Operating System.

Most of the computer users across globe patiently and eagerly expecting the same on Windows 8 Operating System release, we have seen its feedback on various media news and online articles about Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System and its features, it has various advanced features compare to previous one that Windows 7 Operating System.

Microsoft Windows 8 operating system has various features, few of them as below;

Windows 8 antivirus
Windows 8 Edition, like student edition, home edition and business edition
Windows 8 Certification
Windows 8 Gadgets
Windows 8 Slates
Windows 8 Tweaker

For more detail related to Windows 8 operating system, please visit the below link.

Sushil Kumar from Bihar won Rs 5 crores from KBC 5

Interesting to know it, Sushil Kumar from Bihar won Rs 5 crores from KBC 5, this is very glad news for all Indians and fans who used to watch Kaun Banega Crorepati serial in the private television channel.

Winner Sushil Kumar, aged 28, he is the first contestant to win the consolidated prize money of Rs 5 crores from Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 5.
Sushil Kumar is a computer operator and a part-time tutor in Bihar, he was married recently, The episode will be telecasted on Sony Entertainment Television on November 2, 2011.

Sushil Kumar has become the first contestant to win the prize money of Rs 5 crores on Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 5.

All the best for his future.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Educational resources, articles, exam results and entertainment

From the below URL, you may get various articles and resources pertaining to Education, Arts, Exam results, College and School details, Adsense revenue sharing method, Google adsense guideline, how to write the best articles, how to earn from online site and Google adsesen, how to use keywords, how to optimize (SEO) Search Engine etc.

For more detail, please visit the below link or above clickable option.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Software download from File Hippo

Recently I came across one of the best website where you can see many software download options in a single and first page, it is nowhere other than

From this site you will various softwares download as you wish, few software detail mentioned herein below;

Audio and Video softwares
Anti virus softwares
Browser plugin software
Anti malware software
CD and DVD tools
Firewall and security software
Photos and images software
Developer tools etc.

For more detail as such, please visit the above mentioned link to get an advantage from it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Useful link for your valuable search

Would you like to know about Mobile Number Portability in India? – Then please visit the following link Mobile Number Portability in India.

Would you like to know about Indian constitution process for Indian Republic day
Indian Republic day - Indian constitution process

Would you like to know GBSHSE SSC & HSC timetable for 2011? Then, please visit this link GBSHSE SSC & HSC timetable for 2011

The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology

Toro 38361 Power Shovel 7.5 Amp Electric Snow ThrowerLa Crosse Technology BC-700 Alpha Power Battery Charger

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Keywords and search result in search engine

What is Keywords? And how it is helpful?

Keyword is nothing but the essential word or paragraph which you post online that makes easy for the internet searchers via search engine like Google, MSN and Yahoo etc. and they essential word or paragraph reflects in the search engine with the order wise by system to access the easy info for the one searched them.

Easy keywords make easy to find by the searcher and advanced or difficult words make little difficult to find them by the searcher via search engine, why advanced or difficult words make little difficult in resulting, although it is very important words the reason behind is very rare searcher use it even though it is already posted by the author’s, author’s might have concentrated on his/her story or theme but author also would have missed the important or advanced keywords in his/her text. Another scenario is some keywords may be tough in spelling but search engine will display your mistake on advanced or tough words input in the search engine then you can cross check and re-click it to get the result which may or may not be your expected result. This advanced or difficult keywords known by searcher but the relevant advanced or difficult keywords author would have changed it to simple translating meaning keywords to his/her text.

Why keywords for search engine is important, as software doesn’t understand the human mind but it understand the mind expression’s key in word’s in search engine which result the output in their internet search – most of the cases, searcher’s get what they want but in some cases searcher’s won’t get the result what they expected for via search engine. So, their keywords have to modify little bit to get what they want via search engine.

Keywords has different types as stated above with some example, however, in addition to that, some keywords will be normal in meaning but easy for most of the searchers to find the relevant result via search engine as most of the searcher preferred to key in normal keywords than advanced one and some keywords in advanced one may be tough in spelling but search engine will show your mistake on tough words keyed in the search engine then you can cross check the resulted one and re-click on it to get the desired result.

As keywords have different types, net users also have different types, for simple and clear example is, Author VS Searcher. Some authors’ uses advanced or difficult keyword and few authors’ uses simple keywords in their text or script or blog or site etc.. Another one is user or reader or searcher, most of the searcher key in what in their mind for search and most of them are just simple words that creates history for special keywords, and very few searchers key in for advanced keywords and search engine will provide result but it is not sure that it will be relevant as author not exposed it.

Example keywords normally using by the net searcher:

Keywords search depends on country to country, State to State, People to People, Individual to private choice and globally one interest with coincident.

Example as below;

Jobs in XXX,
Latest job in XXX,
Airlines jobs,
Cruise Job,
Hotel jobs in XXX
Part time job in XXX,
How to earn money online,
How to get XYZ hotel,
Where is ZZZ,
YYY College result,
TTT School result,
Online Job,
Business opportunity in XYZ,
Overseas business opportunity,
Nokia XXXX,
Sony Ericson XXX,
Plasma TV rate,
Hotel XXX tariff,
Reservation confirmation,
PNR status,
Football match schedule

All the best on your search result and keywords.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Important and Useful Links

Hi All visitors,

Please find herein below the useful links which might help you in your relevant search and answer.

How to claim Insurance amount
Scuba Diving
Natural beauty of Chilika
Khadi and Village Industries
Aguada Fort in Goa
International Branded Perfumes
Career Development
Important visiting places in India
Beware on mobile viruses
Travel facilities in Goa

Hope this links will help you and all the best for your search.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Data storage and Security challenges

Information security within an organization is the major requirement in today’s competitive world. No network is 100% secure and that given the time and incentive it can be hacked into. Thus security of information is valuable to an organization.

Network security: It refers to protection of data and messages that are communicated through the network. Here information passes through a number of nodes and links between the nodes until it arrives at the destination. An attack can take place at any communication link if attacker has physical control over the link. Attack can be of two types, one is active attack and another one is passive attack.

Active attack: It involves some modification of the data stream or creation of a false stream.

Passive attack: It involves overhear something or eavesdropping on transmissions or monitoring transmission to obtain information.

Security threats are in the form of interruption of services or interruption of information. One of the key areas where security is really a must is protection of computer memory. In Wide Area Network communication, it is impossible because many locations of network are not under physical control of end user. Whereas in Local Area Network communication, it is really possible but there are always the threats of the dissatisfied employees.

Risk Assessment:- It is a process of analyzing all risks with respect to level of security.

Types of attacks:

Denial of service: It prevents the normal use or management of communication facilities, this attack may have a specific target.

Change of DNS (Domain Name Server): Attack changes the name of DNS, which prevents the users to access own information. For e.g www: if confidential information is on the same host as that of server, attacking becomes easier.

Conclusion: Protection of information is the major issue in network society. Auditing and interruption detection will cope up with ever-changing network environment, another one is data storage and lasting for a long period with secure. Thus security is not a destination, it is an ongoing journey.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Electronics and Communication

In modern society, electronics through communications has brought about the creation of the global village, fully uniting all aspects of human society. Therefore find that there is a definite need for acquiring the knowledge that brings about this through the electronics and communication branch of engineering department only.

Great men of wisdom throughout the ages have stressed on the need of hard work and the overcoming of laziness to ensure material and spiritual success in the world. Here always endeavored, as is everyone’s motto to impart quality education on electronic field to their children who pass out and eligible for joining college for further study, ensuring fully equipped to children on brave this competitive world with confidence and fortitude related to subject.

In some of the colleges, the students are also engage and encourage giving seminars on various topic of relevance in today’s technology. Seminars on current trends in industry and emerging technology by distinguished and eminent professors from industry and academic fields are organized to encourage the student to develop knowledge on electronic topic.

Generally, the department of library has an excellent collection of rare books, journals, CDs and Internet sites for electronics, which cater to the need of staff and students alike whenever there is a need to refer to advanced textbooks and other material for the regular curriculum or for their projects.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to earn online

Hi All,

I am a member of the following sites;

India Study Channel

India Review Channel

Goa spider

Chennai Spider

I would like to share some knowledge and would like to inform you to use the above given links that will give you fruitful benefit in terms of “earning Knowledge, Money and Google adsense approval etc.”

The more quality, self-written, nice keywords you post in different sections over there in that link and more you will gain what you expects, do not waste your time in any other faking sites which you will lost time, effort, valuable contribution and hope etc.

So, visit and enjoy the benefit.


There are few of my friends who are Doctors and used to meet each other online and few studied with me those are Doctor in a different specialists / disciplines, I would like to share with all of you that what I learnt from them is sharing here…

First about famous diabetics, there are currently two types of well known diabetics, one is Type 1 and another one is Type 2.

First let me share the knowledge about Diabetes:

What is diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus "is called diabetes" come across when the physical's level of glucose (sugar) in the blood adds higher than normal. There are two main types of Diabetes – and Type 2 Diabetes.

Understanding blood glucose and insulin
When we eat, various foods are broken down in our gut into sugars. The main sugar is called glucose that passes through our blood glucose level should not go too high or too low. So, when our blood glucose level begin to rise (after we had), the level of a hormone called insulin should also rise. Insulin works on the cells of your body and makes them take in glucose from the bloodstream. Some of the glucose is used by the cells for energy, and some is converted into glycogen or fat is then transferred back into glucose that is released from the cells into bloodstream.

Insulin is a hormone made by special “place” of cells in the pancreas, (Hormones are chemicals which are released into the bloodstream and work on various parts of the body).

Now, let me share the knowledge about first one

Diabetes Type 1:
In this type of diabetes the pancreas stops making insulin. The illness and symptoms develop quickly (over days or weeks) because the level of insulin in the bloodstream becomes very low. Type 1 Diabetes used to be known as juvenile, early onset, or Insulin Dependent Diabetes, it develops in children or in young adults. This Type 1 diabetes is treated with Insulin injections and diet.

Diabetes Type 2:
It comes mainly in people aged over or around 40 years. The first treatment is diet and exercise. If the blood glucose level remains high even though a trial of diet and exercise, then tablets to reduce the blood glucose level are usually advised. Insulin is needed in some cases. Other, treatments include reducing blood pressure if it is high, and other measure to reduce the risk of complications.

With type 2 diabetes, the illness and symptoms tend to develop gradually (over weeks or months). This is because in Type 2 you still make insulin (unlike Type 1), However, we develop diabetes because of many factors:

• Our food or physical not making enough insulin for our body’s need, or,
• The cells in our body do not use insulin properly.
• A combination of the above both the reasons

…Let me continue…later…about these.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


What is timeshare?

Timeshare is nothing but you are going to become a member with any reputed resort / hospitality organization for particular duration with paying nominal membership fees for that duration which can be renewed on expired upon each others mutual agreement subject to understands its terms & condition. Why need to buy timeshare? Buying timeshare means member can avail holiday facilities like every year they can take holiday pleasures with their family and friends where they desired at any resort location. Holidays means world to them, 1 week they can enjoy membership benefit such as accommodation free (with paying maintenance fee / technical fee for 1 week in selected resort), free pick & drop, free to use most of the resort facilities, free using Gym, Swimming pool, playing ground etc. they can get extra discount benefit to extend their holiday if required. It is a passport to their holidays.

Exchange benefit: Reputed resort organization would have their own resorts around 100 all over the world, it could be preferred by their members or not to use their holidays at home resort and member could prefer to take holidays beyond home resort by using their membership, to enjoy such facilities for their member, reputed resort organization affiliates their business with reputed holiday exchange company which serves worldwide, once you buy timeshare, you will automatically become free membership in exchanging company without paying fees for first one or two years subject to types of your purchasing timeshare, it has affiliates from few thousands resorts all over where member can select the resort as they like but exchange nominal fees will be applicable.

There are two options for timeshare purchaser, one is fixed unit and another one is floater unit, configuration is little different and subject to your timeshare worth, unit could be 1 bedroom or 2 bedrooms or Studio with different occupancy in all different categories based on agreed timeshare, this timeshare and holiday week whether you can use it at home resort or you can deposit your holiday week with an exchange company who in turn will provide a week with same configuration to utilize it by member in preferred resort location. How exchange week works? Just deposit your holiday week with your (also inform home resort year entitlement and other detail etc.) exchange company if you want to away from your home resort holiday, then decide the type of holiday that you like: 1. choose your destination and resorts, 2. Decide when you like to take your holiday, 3. Be confirmed.
When making request, the more options of resorts and dates you give, the more chances you have of receiving an early confirmation.

Once you have deposited your holiday week with an exchange company, the excitement and fun begins, now the time to start thinking about the kind of holiday experience you want, the areas that appeal to you the most.

Confirm holidays: when you book an exchange holiday, you exchange company will guide you to confirm your holiday on the spot. If the holiday you want is not available right away, need not to worry, ask them and they will keep on looking via a “Pending search” that means exchange company will stay on top of request and notify you as soon as the holiday you’re looking for become available.

Happy Journey and Happy Holiday...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Medical transcription

A person who linked and executes medical transcription is called as a Medical transcriptionist or an MT. The instrument the MT uses is called a medical transcriber or tools.

Medical transcription is a kind of function of a specialist or physician who has to clearly communicate with relevant healthcare providers who provides and examine the patient and maintain patient history, responsible person to communicate to act them on the condition of the patient's health and overall history, and to ensure safe and work for patient’s care.

A Medical transcriptionist is the person assigned job responsible for translating the data of a patient's medical records into data entry or typing format than casual handwritten by other healthcare providers.

The term transcriber describes the electronic instrument used in functioning or performing medical transcription, for example, the work will be as a cassette player with hand or foot controls operated by the MT for report playback and transcription using the data entry method, MT has to ensure that about the translating work without missing any physician comment to data matches.

Also, Medical transcription not necessary for registration or certification, individual MTs may seek out registration / certification for personal or professional reasons. Obtaining a certificate from a medical transcription training program does not entitle an MT to use the title of Certified Medical Transcriptionist (CMT).

Very hard to find it out and in fact, there are no official or "formal" educational requirements to be a medical transcriptionist. Education and training can be obtained by traditional schooling, certificate or diploma programs, distance learning, and/or on-the-job training offered in some hospitals & institutes, although there are few countries currently employing transcriptionists that require 6 months to 2 years of specialized MT training.

On the job: working in medical transcription shows expertise in medical terminology and editing, MT ability to listen and type all together, using of playback controls on the transcriber (machine), and use of hand or foot pedal to play and adjust dictations - all while managing a steady rhythm of execution.

Qualification requirement: If you have strong communication skill in English, typing speed and willing to work in any shift, you may join to get train then after few months or years and you will be called as Medical transcriptionist, you will get promotion from MT trainee to MT and Sr. MT, Proof reader, TL or other position based on your talent outcome. Once you got MT position, you can even work at home as a part time along with your normal career in MT.

In India, it is done for other foreign countries job work and it is similar to BPO (Business process outsourcing), there are few website who provide online training for MT.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Global warming...

Global warming – Disaster

The world is in awful, risky shape. The continuation of life depends on “clean water, breathable air, fertile soil, pollination and a stable climate.” These fundamentals are under severe attack. Swampland, grasslands and forests are vanishing. Majority of the world’s major rivers are polluted or exhausted. Each year, ecological poverty forces few millions poor people to leave their villages and migrate to cities. As a result, few billions people live in dreadful slums or unlawful tenant camps. Such people live of social harmony, a situation sure to result in disturbance.

• The rising world dumps majority of its industrial waste directly into “rivers, lakes, oceans or soil.”
• The environment can safely absorb about few billions tons of CO2 annually, but people release about eight billion tons yearly by flaming fossil fuels.
• Almost majority of used business electronics, counting computers, TVs and audio recorders, end up in landfills.
• People retire few million vehicles a year. In developing and under-developing nations, most of these messy cars and trucks go into landfills.
• The listed developed countries bury more than 75% of its plastic wastes in landfills each year.
• The world is in a row out of non renewable resources, such as crude oil, copper and zinc. Coal is in strong supply, but it is a major source of air pollution (the world’s biggest source).
• One out of ten people lack of access to clean drinking water.
• Groundwater, lakes and rivers are becoming increasingly contaminated and unhygienic.
• During the past half century years, agricultural over production has reduced more than few billion acres of top soil, an area larger than China and India combined. Also, agricultural land become flat or home.
• Over fishing may soon destroy numerous fish species, ruination many coastal economies that depend on fishing for food and commerce.

Action against global warming:

People around the world are fighting back. Some of the not even bother about it and some of them are working relentlessly to reduce waste, and to develop new products that are not linked to gas and conventional oil etc. their aiming is to “achieve zero waste, zero toxicity and 100% recyclables” by 2020.

• The world is in threat; it is because of severe ecological degradation.
• The continuous crisis represents the unified symptoms of an enormous problem: a global system that is dangerously out of thump.
• The Industrial Age, which brought inestimable benefits, is now creating inestimable horrible problems.
• People cannot continue to ignore such concerns.
• Global warming is today’s major natural and ecological issue.
• The world is rapidly getting a point of no return concerning warming. If people don’t act fast, it may be impossible to bring to an end.
• Organizations and nations are rapidly working to bring about positive change.
• Quick fixes and short-term solutions will only make worse serious keep going problems worldwide.
• All over, collectively and environmentally responsible practices make good business sense.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Advertising is the ‘beautiful’ and talent art of selling product to China. A successful advertising campaign would make sure that China books his product first before he goes craze about the wonderful product for basic needs even in less cost. 
Casting aside all detail advertisements beating our senses every minute we are awake; chasing us everywhere from the blinking neon signs and giant hoardings to the campaigns on television and magazines. 
Pick up a magazine and you may be attracted with toothpaste smiles, many home appliances, jazzed-up shirts and clothes, or be dragged against your will to tourist trip to a country. 
In case you are still here, let me take you back 50 years to a world where our elder most shopped around; a world painstakingly resurrected for you from old magazines, newspapers and trade journals. The size of the Indian market half a century ago must have been miniscule compared to what it is today. 
In an age when television was unknown, and the few available radios ‘out of bounds’ for advertising, sellers jumped into print to get at the affluent in British India. No wonder, the advertisements mirrored the opulent lifestyle of the elite in the Rule, sometimes exhibiting a quality of consumerism as sophisticated as it is today. 
Advertising pages included products like saris, furniture and jewelry; the automobile industry advertisements exuded class with Mercedez, Peugots, Chevrolets and local brands vying for attention. 
For those who wanted to shoot film there were advertisements for cameras like Kodak, Nikon etc. the trade journals displayed machinery and hardware, most of which landed at our ports from Britain and Germany. 
Among the usual display of lathe machines and electric motors there were advertisements for the wonderful Electrolux refrigerator capable of being run on kerosene or gas, making it a real work-horse in remote areas of the Rule untouched by electricity. 
In the more accessible tracts, enterprising tour operators sold “places of serene scenic beauty” undeterred by the dull and drab tourist brochures brought out by the provincial administration. 
The government stepped into the market in a big way as well, sometimes with hilarious irony (for the present day reader) when it had to insert full page advertisement to sell electricity and (believe it or not) telephone connections too! The language used in the advertisements of yesteryears makes interesting reading. 
English used five decades ago has, over the years, like good wine mellowed between yellowed pages, and today, sparkles with humor. Some advertisements made simple direct appeals to one’s patriotism or sense of duty. 
The strategy used in advertising then was down-to-earth – no foam-laden dangling female legs in bath-tubs or beads of glistening perspiration on macho muscles. 
In many cases, sellers were peddling already established international brand names and it was merely necessary to let the public know the address of the dealer. 
Now, celebrities become ambassador for each company’s product to exhibit product’s and companies’ strength to reach till public. Now, technology helps advertiser to print enlarges their banner as much as they can instead of art or paint as before. 
So, we will see many more changes ahead in advertisement. Advertisement also one of the important activity to become success.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Healthy happiness

Some people worry because they do not have anything to worry about. If we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable. If we think fear thoughts we will be fearful.

Allowing emotions to direct one’s actions bring failure, Acting with control brings success. Happiness results from discipline, A regular life is very essential for happiness. Nature gave you four faces, but you have to provide the expression.

Happy memories require preparation. Getters generally don’t get happiness, giver gets it. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. “What the mind of a man can envision, and believe, it can achieve” conceive happiness. One should be honest and also appear to be honest. One small deed accomplishes more than a thousand words. Some of our problems are self-inflicted. Staying calm is the best way to take the wind out of an angry person’s sails.

Practice abstinence, for riches will not last. Take time off to make yourself happy. Use your ‘wisdom eye’ to see what makes you happy. The only goal, which is common to all mankind, is to attain happiness. Refresh your mind by learning new things or achievements that is beyond our seen or area.

The happiness of your life depends on the wholesome of your thoughts. The secret of happiness is curiosity. Thinks and act cheerfully and you will feel cheerful. A wise man is one who can live in peace with things he cannot change. We can give others happiness only if we ourselves are sufficiently happy. Good attitudes do not result from good positions because of the positive attitudes. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow, worrying is a function of idle mind. For a change, learn how to enjoy vacation abroad?

For example, if you live for up to 60 years old, you will be luckiest person if you have utilized it every second / minute for good for happiness more than 60% in your overall age. Opposite case will be like he/she doesn’t know in any status to being happy. Learn more on how to live healthy life?

Don’t worry and be happy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Communication Satellites / Electronic Birds

Communication Satellites / Electronic Birds:

Communication Satellites have made a very strong development on our day to day life. We, human being becomes its addict by using various technologist related to this invention. We use it various facilities such as Telephone, TV, Radio and Internet that usually take for granted have been possible due to the development in the field of communication satellite technology. These electronic birds revolving around the earth have tied the whole world together and made it look like a global village.

The main application areas of communication satellites include television broadcast, radio broadcast, and telephone and data communication services. Here, the satellite acts as a repeater station that provides either point-to-point or multipoint interactive services. The satellite receives a certain signal known as the uplink signal from the ground earth station. It cautions the signal back to earth after down converting the signal to a lower frequency and amplifying it before transmission.

Satellites have definite advantages over global networks, which include wide area coverage, mobile wireless communication independent of location, wide band-with, independence from global network and so on. About 80 percent of the international telephone traffic today goes via the satellite. The main advantage of using satellites for communication is their ability to provide broadcast connectivity and interactive connectivity.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Observing from Windows

When I studied once for Diploma in computer application, around in 1990, I got few subject as DOS (Disk operating system), Word-star, Lotus 123, Dbase, Foxbase, Clipper and Fox pro etc. Those days buying a computer for personal use was very expensive compare to date. Also, those system were most of them Black and White screen or Green letter screen, Color computer will be very much expensive than black and white.

At the same time, there were some applications exists for software such as languages and packages. Language was like BASIC (Business Arithmetic System Instruction Code), COBOL (Common business oriented language), C and C+ etc. and those were highly required at those stage for any reputed firm. There were recruitments were progress for foreign countries like USA, Singapore and UK. There were huge demand within nation too. Other than this software demand, there was another basic and dual tasking learning curve for LAN and WAN required, system as UNIX which had far better than DOS. UNIX for multi-user and multi-purpose at that time and Dos was for single task and for single user, in addition, there were package exist like Fox-base, Fox-pro, Dbase or Data base, Word-star, Lotus 123 even Powerbuilder and ORACLE low version to higher one etc.

In India all these language and package were commonly trained for student and professional. It was used for official and professional program purpose. These languages and packages were advanced day to day by so many companies project inventions, software demand increase due to various factors, so many professional programmer’s effort from day to night helps for advance technology that helped huge for end user. It created history by different software using these basic model, advanced with high level in few weeks, months to year. They produced different software and hardware for different fields, fields like Hospital / Medical, Tele-communication, Business offices, Airlines / Aviation, Research many centers, Hotel industries, Electric and Electronic fields, Government offices and many more fields to mention.

Once they made software and hardware, the senior and recruited staff were trained in a professional method which the old system change to a new one to avoid consuming time, reduce cost, save energy, reduced unnecessary manual manpower and many more. Initially it was little tough to implement and face lot of technical issues in most of the field due to lack of experience, lack of system’s knowledge and not suitable the new system to some fields etc. it was however rectified the system to match and perfect every field. Most of the field, the new computer system becomes successful widely…

How some of the systems were advanced: observing from Windows; Microsoft was one of the well known and resourceful software/hardware company which dealt much business in these field from many parts of the world wide country, they recruited fresher and experienced manpower to use for this field, they were translating their idea, innovation and effort to practical in most of the field, they even made friendly system so that a children to normal person also somewhat they can use some system.

How they came up: Once they launched MS Windows 3 in around 1990, it was not much familiar at that time, but however, few products from them were advanced and one of them was from Lotus 123 to MS Excel version for MS Windows 3, however, it was not much successful. Success story was not there much but they never give up further. Again, after few years, they introduced Windows NT operating systems, it was useful and observed by most of the users and become somewhat success too.

Once Again, their continuous efforts change their destiny by advancing and introducing Windows 95 which become very much success with friendly guidance also it was helpful for basis users to multi-media users. They tried as usual to advance it too by introducing Windows 98 which was not much success as expected in those days and stand again the old version at that point to prefer as it was almost equal options to Windows 95.

Y2K issues started during these times, where every professional was somewhat imbalance on their view of Y2K effect will affect on their success. However, they introduced one more updated operating systems called Windows XP which was launched in year 2000 and results fruitful benefit to almost all and it has ruled the desktop so far. It was even useful for like 2003 software released.

To advance these one, they again released Windows Vista in 2007 which were bought by so many people around the world but it was not successful like Windows XP. Windows Vista need extra capacity in the system and more useful for multi-media users than professional etc. creates failure.

So, considering their experience in the above all, Microsoft released recently Windows 7 and got feedback from more that it will be positive results.

How, it will be successful?

Connecting to internet is far better than present system with advanced option and speed
Mobile phone or Bluetooth camera recognized right away, easy to transfer from each other
It is because of fast and fast key response
Desktop has many options which can be standard and modified based on requirement.
Document searching option is highly useful as it will give very fast result from the Desktop itself
Option of running in Windows XP if it is failed to do so from Windows 7
Extra features with 7 which not in other system
Extra and free online space
Like touch screen too

Use and enjoy Microsoft 7.

The human’s life

The human’s life starts like a pendulum. The first stage is a highly dysfunctional stage – that of a child. It is a total available to take care of the dysfunctional dependents and to make the child more and more functional.

The functionality of the child is improved thereafter through training and education. The human being is ready for the next stage i.e. becoming productive. He/She starts on a job or a profession. He/She may keep on improving his/her productivity and may reach the stage of maximum productivity around the time of his/her retirement. Thereafter, he still tries to be productive by taking anther career. If he/she is successful in that career, his/her productivity remains fairly high – or even can go on increasing. However, for a majority of people the productivity from the other career may not be significant and may decline over a period. Thereafter, he may have just a functional life which allows him to have day to day living without depending on others. Financial or health problems can push a person to the end of this pendulum, where he has a dysfunctional life – depending on others.

However, the disfunctionality of the old person is looked upon differently by people around him, compare to the disfunctionality of the child. The child has the mother and family members who often find it a pleasure to help the child to become functional. The child is bound to become functional over a period of time and ultimately will reach the productive stage. However, a retired person who becomes dysfunctional does not give an assurance to move to the functional and to the productive stage. If he can somehow get to the functional stage, others around him are ready to tolerate him.

Pain and pleasure: Every person, all through his life, gives some pleasure and some pain to others. When he is a child, even the pain is deemed as pleasure and every child, even in the dysfunctional stage, is well accepted as a source of pleasure. However, the retired man given more and more pain and less pleasure as first his productivity and then his functionality decreases. So, one of the important aspects of the life after retirement is effort to remain productive – or at least functional.

Planning for retirement:

This is unlikely to happen without planning of career and finance. If the person is prepared for a change of career and he able to be busy in the new career, there is a good chance of his remaining functional and productive. However, this success is not guaranteed. The matter is complicated by the fact that most people do not really do planning for retirement – they only do day – dreaming. As drucker puts it, “planning for tomorrow is using today’s resources to tackle the expected problems of tomorrow”. So, we have to see how a person before retirement can be use his most important resource – that is his time to acquire a transfer value – the ability to get into a new career. In effect, he has to do a SWOT analysis (of his strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) to see how he can utilize his strengths to remain productive, protect against his weakness, take advantage of opportunities and guard against the threats. If the exercise is not carried out periodically and action is not taken to correct the course of navigation, the person can loose his productivity very quickly. If he has changed from the career before retirement into another career immediately after retirement, he has to look at the horizons of the new career and plan for another change – if required.

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