When I was a child, I saw lots of Tamarind trees standing both the sides of the highway road. It is completely disappeared within few decades. To be frank, they are destroyed by human recently and they were planted by human long back. Those trees used to give Tamarind in a particular season, those trees used to give fresh air, shadow, home for other...
Showing posts with label Go Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Go Green. Show all posts
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Beautiful daughter of Goldsmith - Searching...
3:58 PMAdventures, Articles, Beautiful love story, Best story, Blogs, Girl story, Go Green, Goldsmith story, Growth, Historical Places, King story, Knowledge, Star, Success
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You would have come across this story in any form,
however I would like to blogging here to let you remind once again if you have
come across or read as a new one if you haven't come across. Doesn't matter, the story is really interesting.
A young King along with his soldiers went to a river to
swim and enjoy the day, there was already a group...
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Yahoo - Reloaded
10:55 AMArticles, Blogs, Cyclone, Entertainment, Fun, Go Green, Growth, iPhone 5, iPhone 6, SEO, Tech News, trust, Weather, Yahoo
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There was an event of Yahoo at Milbey, MG Road Mall, MG Road, Bangalore, India. I got an opportunity to be there on 21st Nov 2013 evening, as a blogger, I didn't miss the chance to participate over there.
Yahoo reloaded with latest updates of four different products...
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
One of the best place to visit in India - Munnar, Kerala
7:42 AMArticles, Best places to see in Munnar, Best places to visit in Kerala, Entertainment, Fun, Go Green, Knowledge, Learn, Munnar Trip, Tips, Tourist hot spot, Travel tips
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Do you love to travel across globe? If so, this time you can visit one of the best places in India. Yes, you can reach from any parts of the world to India to reach Munnar, Kerala. It doesn't matter, whether if you are residing in the USA or UK or Europe or Middle east countries or Asian countries or Australia or New Zealand. You will get lots of...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
What is Vibrating Molecules? - Surf Excel Matic
10:31 PMArticles, Contest, Entertainment, Family, Go Green, Growth, Knowledge, Learn, News, Star, Success, Tips, trust

It is as usual busy day for Kalpana, since it is Monday she has no chances to wake up late in the morning as yesterday (Sunday) but she has to wake up very early. First need to fresh herself, pious business and prepare all the snack & food arrangement for kids’ to go to school then hubby’s office going arrangement and so on. As home maker,...
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Arnold Schwarzenegger likes Gandhigiri
Former Hollywood and famous action star and body builder Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday (02/02/2012) said that Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence progress is true example to begin with a global green energy campaign to fight against worldwide climate change.
Arnold was in Delhi yesterday for 12th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, Arnold was governor...