Latest Articles and Travel info herewith.

Friday, May 15, 2015

PAYTM for coupons and discount offers

Are you online shopping lovers and buyers but you don’t have any idea on how to save money from your regular purchasing online? If so, you are in the right page to get the right information on time. There are few companies like Paytm and 27coupons who would like to help online buyer to give them coupon or Promo coupon or discounts vouchers which you can redeem from your total payable amount.

If you are looking for such golden opportunity, you may then visit either or to get various discounts and offers to enjoy your shopping beside saving lot of money for additional shopping. 


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother - My First Expert

As usual, every mother used to laugh or smile only once when we cry - the time we born. The rest of the time she will cry when we cry and she will smile when we laugh. Other than this, nowadays, we used to either make her tense or cry instead of going with her. She has given enough courage by God to manage children like us though we almost suffocate her. Who can care us more than our mother? God gave some of his characters to mother who can manage everything with mercy and clam at any situation.

Who is your first expert?

My First Expert is none than (shall be or can be) my beloved mother whom I can remember and call daily whether she is with me or far from me. I mostly trust my mother than my father for all the secrets and actions to do. She is the only one after God shown me how to go outside the home, see the world, be friend and careful with the world, observe all and face every challenges in life.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

What is Ek Nayi League from Kapil Dev? Sports? Quiz? Trade?

What is this Ek Nayi League which Kapil Dev is talking about? Any guess? Any rough guesses? No idea? But there are some hints given from the text and videos at official website of Ek Nayi League and still not able to understand them? However, today is the result for the same in Twitter but have no idea on the one who is about to win what they wrote or tweeted on this to know more detail about this new league. Is it like IPL? Is it related to Cricket? Is it related to Sports quiz? Is it related to investment in Sports to win? Hmmm, check this for more detail.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Asus Zenfone 2 specs, features and price detail

Are you confused on deciding and buying a latest Smartphone for you or your beloved ones? Are you looking for the latest and the best Smartphone with greatest features? If so, just spend few minutes over here to get the detail on one of the best Brand Smartphone with higher configuration and affordable price to buy it.
It is none other than Asus Zenfone 2 Smartphone to buy without further thinking. Why? Check the detail below.
If you have a gadget wish list for 2015-16 or want to have a new dream partner with you then grab Asus Zenphone 2 which has an outstanding features and advanced technical specification including 4GB RAM other specs.
If you are confused on which Smartphone to buy at the moment then just forget everything and don’t keep searching online and offline for a better features and performance etc. You just check the detail specification and online review for Asus Zenfone 2 and buy it simply.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Where is Tamarind trees on the highway

When I was a child, I saw lots of Tamarind trees standing both the sides of the highway road. It is completely disappeared within few decades. To be frank, they are destroyed by human recently and they were planted by human long back. Those trees used to give Tamarind in a particular season, those trees used to give fresh air, shadow, home for other species, wooden for human and helpful for lorry or bus driver when they found their vehicle's break fail and full support and stop to their vehicle.

There were many trees and forest destroyed as such. The careless consumer is more than the selfless planter. It is very hard to find selfless planter nowadays ignoring self on this initiative. Why shall I look for others who is selfless planter? Why not me?!


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Man of the Millennium - Will of steel

Who is Man of the Millennium? 

75 years old man
30 years salary toward needy
Whole Pension amount to needy
Worked as part time to run his personal life and expenses
Awarded 30 crores again given to the needy
One of the outstanding people in 20th Century
Other reward given to the needy


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Life without Google - I wouldn’t have known Search Engine pros and cons

My life without Google as follows;

wouldn't have known what Search Engine can make the differences in the world.

wouldn't have known Google can help me to reach the exact webpage / content that I am looking for

wouldn't have known writers can help to get the detail what we wanted it from online source

I wouldn't have known many families would run just because of Google / Search Engine Company

wouldn't have known Google or the Search Engine Company let other’s to work from home


Friday, April 10, 2015

Sacrifice something to get something – Dil Ki Deal

The good and bad come most of the time just because of listening to our heart, thought and sought only. So, there is no issue if one listens to their heart to think or do something but make sure that try to avoid some mistakes by learning from others that they faced issue on listening to their heart, and make sure that you don’t repeat it but follow the heart a bit differently which can leads to success.

Listening to our heart for fun may turn it into serious matter which can collapse the overall situation. It may sometime happen vice-versa too. However, listening to heart is no offence but learning from the decision of the heart is very important. Will you get piece of mind in the world anywhere other than listening to your heart to achieve something? I hope ‘No’. So, follow your heart often.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Forest Jump - Adventure 1

We used to enjoy holidays or weekends by going some trip to nearby places, just to enjoy the beauty of the nature and greenery dense atmosphere in unique location or sometime we used to go out just for swimming in the nearest resort. One of the trips was just nearby forest area which is around 80kms from our location. Started to leave Bangalore in the early morning and reached within two hours to the spot, before entering the forest route, we had enough breakfast, packed some soft drinks and food stuffs. On the way we took some snaps as usual and had fun riding cars without disturbing to anyone.

The gate at the both the sides of the forest remain open till 6 in the evening from early morning, so we had to reach and come out within this time or else both the sides gates are going to be closed, and there will be many questions on coming out from the way of forest area. Those days no camera over there but one can find the warning notice board fixed on the tree stating ‘you can’t see animal but it is looking at you’. Sometime we afraid on seeing this board though most of the time we ignore it due to overconfidence on calm atmosphere. No one knows what will happen in next few second in such place.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My first Smartphone – Touching, Touching. Touch integrated

There is no touch nowadays with friends, relatives and beloved one just because of Touch devices on everyone’s hand. I don’t know whether it is just because of busiest world or technology advancement. However, the world is filling up with just technology gadgets and moving ahead without any comment except personal Hi and Bye. A person can talk and see live from Australia to America or any other remote area where there is hardly human can be seen but network with the features of 3G or 4G technology in Smartphone just. Yes, this is the story going on across the globe and the Smartphone with advance G uses may increase with higher percentage soon.

Now coming back to the main topic of my first Smartphone in life #ChooseToStart, which is Moto E. However, it is hard to tell which one was my first Smartphone except as said Moto E which I owned recently after checking its reviews online and offline. I will write about it in the next paragraphs with detail specification and hands on review. Anyhow, the other Smartphone that I was using before Moto E was given by company for official usage and it was not my personal one. So, I can safely says that my first Smartphone is Moto E. Here, one thing to observe is that, I was suggesting few other brands and their different series Smartphone to my friends and relatives upon their enquiry or suggestion when there wasn’t Moto E or Moto G available. Now, I can safely suggest them with live demo including drop down test (with my heart breaking).


Gupta Ji was waiting for me with Kellogg’s

I got an invitation from Kellogg’s that I have to be present in well known Gupta Ji’s house nearby for meet and happy nashta / breakfast. I prepared myself in advance to reach their home on time since lack of punctuality in me which creates trouble except maintaining punctuality on food and entertainment. Since I woke up early in the morning on that day, I felt very hungry and no idea whether to eat at nearby (on the way) restaurant or no time to do so as I have a very short time to reach to Gupta Ji’s house. However, I controlled my hunger and reached to Gupta Ji’s home on time.

I had been there as per schedule and able to meet Gupta Ji’s family with warm welcoming but no introduction yet. I shocked when I saw some other fellows who were already there on lobby area and talking with their family members beside breakfast handy. Each one of them had different colors of bowls with different types of Kellogg’s related breakfast food. Few of them were with Strawberry sliced Kellogg’s, few of them with Apple sliced Kellogg’s bowl and few of them with rounded sweet kelloggs’ on their hands.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

She gave me a free Singapore Chicken drumstick with happiness

I was in Singapore during April 2001, 14 years ago and I was very young at that time. I was alone to travel some Far East and Middle East countries on short vacation. It was my first visit to Singapore en route Brunei (neighbor country) for two days visit over there. Yes, I can recall those pleasant four days stay and some of the occurrences in Singapore. I visited many places in Singapore and unable to recall those visiting places name except Orchard Road, City Center, Mustapha shopping, Little India, Sentosa, Airport and so on. I was actually visited to Singapore when I was working in Gulf countries at that time. However, Singapore Airport and outside live atmosphere let me breathtaking though I have seen them in few movies and TV shows. I can still remember Changi International Airport experience, emigration clearance, exiting the airport and cab assistance toward the address etc.

Beside reaching and cooling down at my friend’s home in Singapore, the whole day let me relax, watch sports event of school children at nearby stadium and chat with friends and their relatives. There were / are five hours differences in timing for each other’s (Singapore vs Saudi Arabia) places geographically. I mean, Singapore’s evening 5 o’clock would be Saudi Arabia’s 12pm noon. So, I got little trouble on sleeping hours in Singapore as I had to miss my sleeping time back to Saudi timings with five hours differences, whereas India is 2.5 hours behind to Singapore timing. I was unable to get sleep during night time due to timing differences naturally though I got enough and comfortable accommodation in Singapore as everybody gets it over there. I was able to sleep early in the morning around 5am or 6am till 10am or 11am and then fresh, refresh and move to see the best places in Singapore.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

One of the most memorable days in my life

There were many days in my life like most memorable days but I will let you know one of them over here. It was the day (14th Sep 1997) of rejoining with my family members and friends again after a long gap of more than a year. I was able to meet few of them in the same place where I left them one year ago. Yes, I landed in Chennai International airport from Gulf country for first holiday vacation to meet my family members and friends on that day; I went to Riyadh on 14th Jun 1996 (Friday Night).

However, the first day after landed in new land felt like busiest atmosphere, have to manage and cross emigration formality till custom clearance to exit the airport. The new faces everywhere and I was alone from my family members over there. Home sick slightly started. Later, I had to come out from the airport to wait for company’s representative and their pick up till reaching company’s camp / accommodation. At last, they company’s bus came to pick me up and found that there were many stranger faces filled up inside the bus who were returning from their duty and going toward accommodation.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Different views, Different thoughts and Different results

There are generally four types of human views which I am going to explain you continuously in detail later. However, one of them is going to explain you over here. Read it.

Two Orthopedic Trainee / Students were standing at the college ground and talking each other with different syllabus and cases. A person was walking with difficulties like a kind of knee issue or leg injured he got. These two observed him and discussed each other by saying first one as, this man got knee issue most probably. The other one explained that the way he is walking looks like he must have got ankle or feet issue than knee or joint.

Both argued each other till they get seriousness. Later they become calm and decided to ask that person itself who was crossing them. So, they called him up and he approached these two Orthos.


My bold step and a big change to start a new life

I was worrying for my future when I was around 20 years old and about to complete my Graduate. There were many reasons to concern and one of them was less job openings in a Private and Government organization whereas too much applications and competition in each organization for few titles post recruitment. Considering this, I was cross verifying with some top professionals about their job profile and salary structure as a knowledge and calculation to compare the same job profile or lower one in overseas vacancy, to try a job in abroad as an idea for near future.

Another concern was Income Tax deduction for those professionals at that time despite their low salary structure for that higher posts or medium level posts, or let’s say who was getting around Rs 4500 (Four Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees) used to pay Income Tax percentage respectively. Nowadays different story for job openings and IT slabs.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

US two Dollars note

You might have seen different denomination of the US dollars but I am sure that most of them wouldn't have seen the reality of the US currency's one of the denomination or once running two dollars of the US note which I got it long back (in around year 2000). 

If anybody would like to see the US two Dollars note then find it here. I have saved it as remember and unique or antique one. Here you go for it.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

All religions with the same principle

A man was running very fast on the remote area where a lion was about to attack him, he ran such a fast with the difficulties that the lion was unable to catch him earlier than expected. On the way, he suddenly felt down and trapped in the unknown old well where luckily he was hanging on the root of the tree. The lion came near the surface of the well and looking at him to catch as and when situation comes for prey, he was time being happy that he almost escaped from the lion and found that a Honey comb near to him which has few bees roaming here and there. 

This man started feeling thirsty, he tasted the honey nearby him and later he observed that there was a giant snake moving at the bottom of the well which is little far from him. Oh God, he was unable to digest the situation but enjoying little bit honey meanwhile to overcome from thirst and hungry. No way to come out from the old horrible well since it has no stairs nor one can help him at the moment than hanging comfortably.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Winning Five Crores from a Lottery

A poor man cum farmer hardly used to earn Rs 300 daily wages and he run family as such, sometime poor man’s poor wife will help him for daily wages from agricultural or farm work when poor man fell sick. The honest, simplicity and hard works helped to run their family in a small hut with three kids and their study in a Government Schools beside. The poor man hardly sees the big amount in his life.

Sometime out of his curiosity and naturally, he used to dream for wealth too and but have no straight resource to earn big amount from zero or little investment from his own talent. He killed his many wishes as such and unable to fulfill his poor wife’s and kids’ wishes too but run family and life peacefully and smoothly with bonds of love and affection among all including nearby people.

The poor man been to nearby city, bought some items for his family members and he spent for him only to buy a big amount lottery ticket and bus fare than nothing else as usual, he returned to home with empty stomach and it is normal one for him. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Quikr Nxt Apps benefit in 3 ways

Quikr answers in 3 ways.

It says ‘yes’ and it gives what you want
It says ‘no’ and gives you something better
It says ‘wait’ and gives you the best.

No Fikar, Chat Quikr

The main three reasons why I would prefer Quikr chat over a phone call, as below.


Friday, January 30, 2015

Bo(u)nd to shave by Monepenny

You would have observed shaving seen while watching some of the movies of James Bond 007 (secret agent). Yes, his movie will let us remind on how one has to shave in reality to appeal handsome. But, don't expect like a James Bond in reality. Most of the James Bond's movie would have shown a clip of shaving or at least fresh face with shaven but here you will see something out of the box about 007.

You might be thinking what is so special about it? Yes, this is special one and it is just because of his colleague and dearer Moneypenny helped Bond to shave to make him even handsome in Skyfall. Do you know what could be the reason for it? Did you missed this movie or scene? If so, you can catch it up here.

Courtesy: YouTube


Thursday, January 22, 2015

I am a Pan Beeda Litterbug

The way we throw the ball will return the same. Yes, the same way we get the good or bad returns based on our deeds. Here we need to observe many things whether throwing trash or other wastage's around easily which can harm us later. If one spit Pan Beeda litter that may come back to their face or mouth and it was experienced by me when I was using Pan Beeda then spitted while I was driving the car. The litter from Pan came to me with almost same force and made bad result for me and my car window / glass. I learnt that this is sort of self indiscipline act and learnt to avoid even small garbage throwing act likewise. We have to learn good deeds or discipline act from others than opposite one.

We get freedom doesn't mean we spoil the atmosphere artificially but try to go with the nature which can ever help us for healthy surrounding, enrich forthcoming generation and overall better civilization through our current discipline. Our country has no strict law doesn’t mean we can throw all the wastage from our home to anywhere we find comfort but needed to learn where it supposed to be to carry forward in safe zone. We have to learn what is Housekeeping rather than what is dirty or junk around.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Face Complexion

We have heard the proverb of ‘Face is the Index of the mind’. This proverb may suit sometime and it may not suit in different occasion or for different personality. However, most of them would like to have finest or the best complexion or skin texture in order to appear or attract others and to avoid unnecessary pain from pimple too. How about nature? Will it help to reduce or wipe out the Pimples when we pass through teenage or till the age where we cross 30 plus? I don’t think so that nature will help to hide or eliminate pimples but it will bring and grow during this tenure. What shall we do for the pimples to stop and gives better complexion?

I am sure that most of them would have experienced on Pimples and most of them would have tried to find out some tips or face cream or some herbal medicine or a kind of tablet or different food consumption etc. to remove pimples naturally. I am sure that some of the tips for Pimple would have worked for a while and some of them have given disappointment. 

What are the reasons for Pimples?


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dream of Bangalore resides

Being a Bangalorean, why shall I recommend to near and dear one on relocating to Bangalore? The more you think, the weaker your decision, so, just do it by Quikr. It is free portal and paid membership where you can buy and sell used or new items with satisfaction.

If you go through the above given link of Bangalore Quikr website then you will know the detail and option of the services rendered by them. However, other than normal dealing on buying and selling old or used items, some of the services are going to be very effective and useful while you would like to relocate from any part of the country.

This is an international platform so nothing to worry on relocating from any other part of the world to Bangalore by using Quikr online service. Quikr has city or country wise website link which can help you to get things done on selling old / used items, purchasing old / used items with reasonable or negotiable prices and decorate your needs and home accordingly.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Republic Day Speech Note

Are you eagerly waiting for India's 66th Republic day on 26th January 2015? If so, you are in the right page to get right information on time. Yes, most probably, many may looking for India's Republic Day Speech Note or ready to write on how to speak on Republic day etc.

So, nothing to worry on this and we will help you on how to write on Republic Day Speech in a simple manner. Just assume that you are about to speech on Republic day which you have no idea what to speak and you have to speak as per your class master / mistress. Still no issue, you can do so. You may just go through some of the Republic Day Speech Note where you will know some idea on how to speak about it. I am sure that you will get some basic idea which will enrich you on India's Republic Day Speech.

Make sure that you have enough confident and remember that you have to speak as same as you are generally speaking with your close one or dear friends as casual. You just go through the practice and observe the program event from the beginning to speak the same as it is going and just adding Republic Day Speech Note prepared. Nothing else, it will be like a casual and mature speak simply.

For more detail on how to prepare India's Republic Day Speech, kindly go through the following link to get an idea on Republic Day speech. I am sure that you can do it if you just read five to ten times, remember few points just and observe the event to say about event beside in the beginning. All the best. Happy Republic Day to all.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Chennai Mail

Read it completely to enjoy it. It is not about Chennai Express movie but the well known Chennai Mail train in reality. The Chennai Mail used to depart daily in the night time and arrive to Bangalore in the early morning and the same other train of Chennai Mail used to depart from Bangalore to Chennai in the night time as well. They are superfast trains and have limited stops from Chennai viz. Arakonam, Katpadi, Jolarpettai, Bangarpet and Bangalore’s very few stations. They are mostly berth / sleeper coaches and most of the time fully booked a month ago precisely. Only few lucky people can get the seat in general three coaches and rest of them has to stand with rush and breathing difficulties till their destination arrives.

However, a person reserved his berth from Chennai to Jolarpettai (which is around 3.30 to 4 hrs journey by this train), entered the train and got his sleeper berth as reserved. He got the habit that once he slept, he won’t wake up easily or early even on journey or emergency situation. So, he humbly advised his nearby old age passenger and others to wake him up after Katpadi station as alarm in advance or at least wake him up before train slows at Jolarpettai station to get it down. Nearby berth passengers accepted his request since they are going to Bangalore and have no issue of request on the way.

He also told his other co-passengers to pull him and push him out by force at the Jolarpettai station in case if he didn’t wake up and go out since the situation is; he however has to be there in the early morning at Jolarpettai for Marriage function. Train leaved the Chennai Central platform…most of the passengers slept on time except few when train moved. After one hour Arakonam crossed…Katpadi arrived…old man struggled to wake him up, few other co-passengers tried to wake him up after Katpadi station itself as alarm in advance (only one more hour left to reach his destination)…they all tried as much as they can, as final step, they have done pull and push out task when his destination Jolarpettai arrived.

Thank God, helped out. Everything gone smoothly at the end at Jolarpettai station and all slept comfortably afterward. Train moved and crossed Bangarpet after one hour and they reached Bangalore in the early morning, now all of them shocked in the compartment. The one who supposed to get down in Jolarpettai is still sleeping nicely on the berth and surprised when the co-passengers saw him.

However, they tried to wake him up again in Bangalore by spending few minutes. He woke up with tired and saw the co-passengers and station; he too shocked. He understood that something is wrong since it is not a midnight or late midnight to get down in Jolarpettai but brightening early morning which would be either Bangarpettai or Bangalore station. They asked him how it is possible when they pulled and pushed out a passenger at Jolarpettai station per request but still here. They finally understood that in the sleepy, dark and confusion they have woken up and pushed out a different passenger at Jolarpettai station who was sleeping near him.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Air Turbulence

One of the well known word is Air Turbulence in Airline industry beside other various famous words in its operational activities. In some region or route, Air Pocket is famous one due to sudden and natural incident on the air. 

Air Turbulence can happen at any time at any region due to bad weather upon flying whereas Air Pocket can be taken place in selected region in different unconditional air cycle. When I was working in Airline industry for few years, I used to hear those words but not experienced until once I was coming from Riyadh King Khalid International Airport to Mumbai Chathrapathi Shivaji Terminal in 2002.

I got a flight seat at the rear one, was able to enjoy take-off view and slope of the giant flight 747-400. It was going well till two hours and found smooth flying without any issue. The announcement from the Flight purser / crew started for fastening seat belt due to heavy rain and bad weather on the way. The passengers who were roaming around on the flight due to wash room and entertainment etc. controlled immediately by the flight supervisor. I was just seeing that few of them enjoying with Alcohol and dishes offered by Airline hostesses whereas I put an end to the dinner served and relaxing for one more hour to reach Mumbai to catch Chennai's flight in the early morning for further travel.

Last one hour before landing in Mumbai, it was heavy rain with thunder seems, flight was slowly shaking and looks like little bit out of control for a while. I never faced such horrible shaking experience on flight till six years of flying experience with many different routes specially flying in night times (except one).Since I was sitting at the last row and able to know the feeling and fear of other co-passengers as well. Flight and the passengers are very silent at that situation and looks like we were crossing heavy rain, thunderstorm, dark cloudy and fog etc. mixed up. 

Suddenly we were able to see and experience the tail / rear area of the flight moving here and there specially where we were sitting, it let us felt like giant fish tail moves here and there. Again announcement made from Crew saying that fasten seat belt, sit with calm and one can use Oxygen bag (on the top) if necessary etc. It was looking like we were crossing some pathetic route in bad weather, possible for anything to happen at any time due to unconditional weather. 

I understood that many passengers were praying at this moment and some non-alcoholic felt like they are consumed it by seeing flight dancing and the one who consumed alcohol felt that they are steady by leaving Alcoholic feelings.The flight once in fifteen minutes used to shake here and there and hard to see steady movement as before, however, we were able to rely on it for a while and the flight become normal after certain duration by passing a particular region. Thank God, we got smooth flight operation few minutes before landing in Mumbai and landed safely. This was one of the unforgettable flying experience in my life. I will share more as such...till then good bye. See you soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ready, Get. Set. Bolt.

Are you looking for specs and features information of Bolt car from Tata? If so, you are in the right place to get the right information on Get. Set. Bolt beautiful car. Here you go for it.

Manufacturer: Tata Motors
Series: Bolt
Type: Petrol and Diesel
Engine: Revotron 1.2T for Petrol, and Quadrajet 1.3L for Diesel
Max Power: 90 PS@5000 RPM for Petrol, and 75 PS@4000 RPM for Diesel
Torque: 140 Nm @ 1500-4000 RPM for Petrol, 190 Nm @ 1750-3000 RPM for Diesel
Dimension: 3825 X 1695 X 1562 (L x W x H - mm)
Tyres: Steel – 175/65 R14, and Alloy 175/65 R15
Steering: ePAS (Electric Power Assist Steering)

Tata Motors has launched its new series Bolt with new design and new style in this New Year 2015. Bolt is somewhat looks like upgraded model with most sophisticated and tweaked it a bit more, inside and out for earlier version of Indica series. This is one of the best on the hatchback car that can comfort its rider and escort one. It has wide space inside the cabin and seat arrangement. You or whoever has taller personality also can sit comfortably without hitting the legs toward the seat or flex your hip and body to sit while comparing with other luxurious car where sitting inside the car is really uncomfortable.

Features of the Bolt car

Engine features:

The Bolt comes with two variant, one is for Petrol and the other one is for Diesel.  As we’ve seen this, the engine churns out a Revotron 1.2T for Petrol car and Quadrajet 1.3L for Diesel car. It comes with 90 PS@5000 RPM for Petrol and 75 PS@4000 RPM for Diesel on Max Power. The Bolt car with cherry color in the Forum Mall Bangalore stands anything else like felt more at home in the city, with good initial response from its lover surrounding by. Eager to see it soon on the highway too.

Multi drive features:

The Bolt does, however, incorporate an improvement in the form of the Multi Drive Sport, Eco and City, which has sports mode when we need a burst of power, the next is Eco mode for fuel consumption and City mode is perfect balance in between these two (Sport and Eco).

Space and Comfort features:

The cabin is a bit comfort-looking, with those bright seats set against matching beige interior and that silver console to drive anything else like calm. In an effort to enrich the user's experience, Tata is offering the new Bolt with alloy wheels as an option. The steering wheel attracts, and the distance between the accelerator and brake pedals is off.

Safety features:

When you drive or park the car, safety come first. Yes, you will find stay at control all the times and drive it safe with the advance safety features. Dual airbags are available and Electric Power Assist Steering is on in Bolt.

Touchscreen features:

The Bolt comes in two trim types (Petrol and Diesel). Tata has now offered with a list of goodies that has bettered the earlier Indica series car. You may choose any variant and you’ll find ConnectNext Touchscreen Infotainment by Harman features, which can help you to access an array of connectivity and entertainment features like Smartphone, MapMyIndia, and advanced voice command recognition. 

One of the impressive about this car is its fuel efficiency, stylish look, comfortable, touchscreen infotainment to drive ahead. It is totally like a Paisa Vasool offer from Tata Motors.

This post is a part of the Get. Set. Bolt. activity at BlogAdda.

Thanks to the visitors as well. We wish you for a happy Bolt dealing.

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